WWW Wednesday: 15/05/19

Title in white on purple puddles

Exams have started! My first one is today, but this is only first year, so I’m not too stressed. However, books are pretty much guaranteed de-stress method for me, so thinking about books for a few minutes seems like a good idea. Also, nice quick post means less guilt over not reading so much.

It’s been about a month since the last one, so here goes:

WWW Wednesday is three quick questions, hosted by Taking on a World of Words, that provide a quick reading update. Everyone and everyone is welcome to join in!

1. What are you currently reading?

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Right now, I’m reading THE SIN EATER’S DAUGHTER, by Melinda Salisbury. It’s been a few years since I last read it, and I’m really enjoying coming back to this series. I utterly adore her STATE OF SORROW duology, and this re-read reminds me why I started reading her books.

It’s a gorgeously written debut, with such a rich mythos woven throughout. I love Twylla and Leif’s dynamic, not to mention Merek. The power web Twylla’s caught in is a really interesting dynamic; all the lies, all the deceits, and watching Twylla peel it back is a joy.


My current eARC is NOCTURNA, by Maya Motayne. It’s a fun enough adventure, set in a lush world. However, the main threat is really similar to that of V. E. Schwab’s A DARKER SHADE OF MAGIC series – as is much of the plot. This makes the book feel like one I’ve already read, which is a little disappointing.

The pacing is snappy throughout, but it takes a while to get into the story promised by the blurb (a good 30%). Currently they’re rushing from plan to plan, with a fun magic system causing mayhem.

2. What did you recently finish reading?


NEVERNIGHT, by Jay Kristoff. I liked this book far more than I thought I would – seeing how the premise is an assassin in training. It was a little more graphic than I like (which sent me into a how can I like this book so much if it’s so graphic tailspin for an hour or so), but overall, a really fun read.

The pacing is superb, the voice rich and unique – with a large dose of dry humour for seasoning. The world building is such a fun premise to play with, and woven in well (by and large). I’m looking forwards to picking up the next book some time in the future.

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The last eARC I read was CROWN OF FEATHERS, by Nicki Pau Preto. It’s an impressive debut, but I found it rather slow. Everything is building towards the finale, but without any action in the middle 50%

Initially I loved the world building, but in the middle of the book there was slightly too much and it dragged the pacing down. One of the POV characters felt very disconnected from the main plot, to the point that I just didn’t care about him. I think I’m interested to see what happens in the next book, though.

3. What do you think you’ll read next?

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The next physical book will be THE SLEEPING PRINCE, by Melinda Salisbury. It’s the second installment in The Sin Eater’s Daughter trilogy, and I love binge-reading series.

If I remember correctly, this was my least favourite of the three, because I was surprised by the change in POV character. I’m hoping that this re-read will give me a chance to love the book more this time as I know about the POV change. Errin grew on me by the end, so hopefully she gets a chance to shine from the start.

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After that, I’ll finish off the trilogy with THE SCARECROW QUEEN. It’s the longest of the three, and gave me the most relationship-feels. I love the ending, which was quite a surprise at the time, so it’s something to look forwards to.

But, Sifa, wasn’t the point of the TBR jar to not be in control of what you read next? Yes – but there is an exception for series. If I start the first book in the series, I can pick to read all the way through rather than putting a piece of paper with the next book in.

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My next eARC will be KINGDOM OF SOULS, by Rena Barron. I probably should read my other outstanding eARC first, as it’s already published. However, I’ve wanted to read KINGDOM OF SOULS since Harper Voyager announced they had ARCs (and thus I found out about the book). Book twitter exploded over it, giving it an insane amount of hype, which makes me a tad nervous. Hyped books often fall flat for me, but fingers crossed! It sounds like my cup of tea. Magic, parental expectations and a looming villain set to devour the world? Yup, yup and yup!

What books are you reading this week?

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