Top Ten Tuesday: Authors I’d Like Another Book from

"Tope Ten Tuesday" in a white font mimicking handwriting on navy starry skies

Top Ten Tuesday is a fun weekly meme, hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Everyone is welcome to join in the fun.

This week’s prompt is pretty self explanatory. If we know a book is coming, it’s not on here. If I suspect a book is coming but don’t have a confirmation that I can find, I’m including it. If a book is coming to another territory but not the UK, it’s fair game as non-UK published books aren’t exactly easy to find here.

1. Celestial Mechanics 3, by Annaliese Avery

Book cover for THE NIGHTSILVER PROMISE: title in silver and black on orange below a compass-like outline with cogs and dragons and two running children inside

The Celestial Mechanics series was envisioned as at least a trilogy, but only the first two books, THE NIGHTSILVER PROMISE and THE DOOMFIRE SECRET, have been acquired and released by publishers. The story therefore does not have a satisfying ending as there’s a lot left hanging (and based on recent sales announcements, I’m starting to doubt we’ll ever get more), which is a pity as this is one of my favourite MG series.

Set in a very alternative steampunk world with dragons, one’s fate is determined by the stars, but can that fate be changed?

2. THE SHIP OF SHADOWS 3, by Maria Kuzniar

Book cover for THE SHIP OF SHADOWS: title above a window in an orange wall overlooking a sea and boat, surrounded by trees, pirates, and loot

Another MG series that only had two books published (out of my assumed four books), THE SHIP OF SHADOWS is a series I really want to see completed. It is set on the high seas of the early Renaissance and travels widely across the world, exploring many parts of the world.

Unfortunately, I know it won’t happen as the author has confirmed the sales for THE SHIP OF SHADOWS and SECRETS OF THE STARS were not good enough for the publisher to buy further books (and has instead pivoted to adult and a different MG book.)

3. BIG BAD ME 2, by Aislinn O’Loughlin

Book cover for BIG BAD ME: title in pink above illustration of three people - one with a stake and one with a werewolf hand

BIG BAD ME is a UKYA novel with vampires and werewolves and a whole load of fun as a teen learns she’s actually a werewolf – and her sister is a monster hunter who’s been trying to keep her safe. Cue moving to a strange town that has enough secrets of its own, and a cute but odd hotel receptionist.

This is a very fun book that leans into the paranormal revival happening in YA at the moment. The book ended in such a way that there feels like there has to be another book coming, but I have yet to see any official confirmation…

4. Anything by M. A. Carrick

Book cover for THE MASK OF MIRRORS: title in white below person in elaborate blue and gold mask

M. A. Carrick is the pen name of writing duo Marie Brenan and Alys Helms, the co-authors of THE MASK OF MIRRORS and the rest of the Rook and Rose trilogy. I love this series so much – it’s a twisty fantasy full of delicious schemes with a sprawling cast that are intimately connected (I don’t like unconnected POVs) in a richly imagined world. It’s a perfect combination of things I love in fantasy.

I really hope the pair write something else together. There have been no hints so far (and at least one solo book has come out since) but fingers crossed!

5. THE COUNCILLOR 2, by E. J. Beaton

Book cover for THE COUNCILLOR: title in black on yellow below a black winged creature and a red quill

THE COUNCILLOR was a great political fantasy debut back in 2021 and was promised as the start of a duology. There has been no news about the sequel since.

The author has changed publishing name and published a completely different book. The publisher of THE COUNCILLOR has also been involved in some disputes with authors over how they publish books leading to at least one author changing publisher and putting out their books with them instead. So goodness only knows what’s happening with this sequel.

6. ONE FOR ALL 2, by Lillie Lainoff

Book cover for ONE FOR ALL: title in white on graphic of a girl in a red dress and a fencing sword facing down blades

I really enjoyed Lillie Lainoff’s debut, ONE FOR ALL. It’s a historical YA that feels like a historical fantasy in terms of focus and girls with swords. The heroine is disabled fencer who joins the secret female musketeers (who are actually saving the day.)

The book was a lot of fun and it felt like it was leaving open a potential sequel. There are always more villains to be fought, and I would love to spend more time with these sword-wielding girls who are pretending to simply be demure school girls. The author has hinted at another book coming but there’s been indication about whether it’s a sequel or something else.

7. RHIA OF THE WOODS, by Intisar Khanani

Book cover for RIHA OF THE WOODS: title in white on orange cloak of a brown girl back to back with a brown boy in the woods

RHIA OF THE WOODS is the reason for one of the caveats – published in the UK. This is the next book in the Dauntless Path series, but set hundreds of years before THORN or THE THEFT OF SUNLIGHT.

Intisar Khanani has been writing this book and releasing it as part of her newsletter before editing it with plans to self publish. The first three books in the series were traditionally published in the UK (after the first was originally self-published in the US) but only the first two got picked up from traditional (re)publishing in the US, leading the third to be self-published in the US. I really hope this book gets picked up by the UK publisher because US self-published books are really hard to get access to in the UK (and then there’s the question of exclusivity of same-world rights.)

8. England’s Medieval Queens #4, by Alison Weir

Book cover for QUEENS OF THE CONQUEST: title in yellow on blue with white flowers

Alison Weir is my go-to historian for non-fiction about women in High Middle Ages Western Europe. She has of late been writing a series of books about the history of England (starting from 1066) through the lives of England’s queens, which I have thoroughly enjoyed.

There are three instalments so far – QUEENS OF THE CONQUEST, QUEENS OF THE CRUSADES, and QUEENS OF THE AGE OF CHIVALRY. There has to be another book coming because Henry IV, Henry V, Henry VI, Edward IV, and Richard III (aka the last two kings of the Hundreds Year War and the three kings of the Wars of the Roses) have yet to be covered. And the Medieval period certainly doesn’t end until the Battle of Bostworth (1485) and the defeat of Richard III. No news yet about this fourth volume though.

9. WILDSPARK 2, by Vashti Hardy

Vashti Hardy is certainly not an author who has a long time between releases; since her debut in 2018, she has put out 7 books for older MG readers, 4 books for lower middle grade readers, 4 books with Barrington Stoke for children with dyslexia, and one picture book. And she has several more coming. No small feat!

I would, however, love one of her upcoming books to be a sequel to WILDSPARK. This was the first book of hers I read and I loved it. I also felt it had a high potential for a sequel and would love to get my hands on it one day…

10. Anything by Joanna Hathaway

I love Joanna Hathaway’s Glass Alliance trilogy (beginning with DARK OF THE WEST.) This series is such a good 19030/40s fantasy about the selfish politics that leads to war due. It looks at how colonial ambitions play into wars and how the cost always falls on the most vulnerable. It’s seen through two idealistic teens from opposite sides of the war who slowly lose that idealism over the course of the book.

I suspected the series didn’t perform as well as hoped – it was originally planned by the author as four books but only three books were acquired, forcing a condensing of the last two into one (SOUTHERN SUN, NORTHERN STAR). Still, it’s a great series and I’d love another book from the author.

What authors would you like another book from?

2 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Authors I’d Like Another Book from

    1. Thank you – at least they’re all alive so there is a chance! (But the first 2 are pretty much confirmed nopes alas)


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